Sunday, March 22, 2020

Dear Ayana, Rebecca, Angela, Victoria, Anna, Anika-Marie, Serena, Max, Emily, Lauren P, Patricia and Lauren S!

As we have expected, this class is going to take place online until the end of the semester.
I'm sorry this happened... I really enjoyed hanging in that lab!
I hope you are all healthy and doing ok... It's a tough moment to live in NYC...
But guess what: like everything, this too will end. And we will be fine.
Let's make the best out of this situation.

After examining various tools FIT has for online instruction I felt both overwhelmed and disappointed. I though we needed some kind of a base, a place where all your ideas would
sit together and, at the same time, a platform where we can communicate at our own pace...
Thus I present you with this highly obsolete little blog.
I'm going to keep it private (only us, the authors will be able to view the content) so feel free to also post whatever you think could be useful, fun and interesting for your classmates.

I would like you all to post all the videos, images and texts you have produced for the class so far.
Post them as separate items and label with your name. This way you (or any other user) will be able
to see all you posts at once. I also encourage commenting on each others posts...

I'm planning to start our weekly session with a videochat, where we just reconnect, talk about our progress, new business etc. If I discuss any new content I'll post the links, media etc. on this blog.
Please familiarize yourself with posting text, links and videos. Make sure you label your posts.


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