Monday, March 30, 2020

Project idea, outline and progress.

Sold Shit

Hosted on my theoretical channel “Pootie’s personal home shopping network” I am going to create and sell products, that would otherwise seem useless or indirectly used.

I have always been engulfed in pop-culture, maybe it was because I was plopped in front of a TV at a young age to have something “safe” to do. I have often noticed that the media pushed products that can be useless. As a New Yorker you see hundreds, even thousands of ads a day. Infomercials, cars, paper towels, things that one would generally buy on their own, but the ads are there to manipulate and guide the consumer to their “superior” product.

In this project, I will be creating a video, made with photos, animation, clips and other mediums to express my project entitled “Sold Shit”. (open to change the name, I would love some feedback from everyone)

The past week I have been designing the headers and imagery to be used in photoshop and after-effects. As well as creating new obscure ideas for my “new products”. 

One new example is “Tear absorbent” which is just a cotton tissue, with the words “enough, enough” sewn into it.

shown here is the first draft of the layout for the video and the first idea called "the social interactor" 

attached here are some screenshots of old retro home shopping network layouts.

Attached is a link of a clip of a creepy doll being sold for $130 the strange banter and ongoing salesmanship is very interesting to me 

attached is a second clip, where the sales person is using an unsecured product but still pushing the sale till the end 

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