Sunday, April 26, 2020

Unity Progress & Error Solutions - LaurenP

By: Lauren Padula

I am still watching tutorials on Unity. I started to play around and follow this video because I thought it would be beneficial to my project outcome.

While creating the Virtual Gallery Space I had an error appear when I added the "FirstPlayerControl". Which basically would allow people to virtually walk around the space and view the space from a personal perspective which I knew was necessary.

I thought I would share the solution I found just in case anyone else faces the same problem.  😁

The Error Code - Assets/Standard Assets/Utility/SimpleActivatorMenu.cs(11,16): error CS0619: 'GUIText' is obsolete: 'GUIText has been removed. Use UI.Text instead.'

The Solution  -

1. Search for SimpleActivatorMenu.cs And change the code to this below.

2. Add:

using UnityEngine.UI;

3. Change it from:

public GUIText camSwitchButton;


public Text camSwitchButton;

After solving this problem I am going to continue making progress on Unity and continue to customize and explore the program.

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