Friday, April 30, 2021

Samantha Alexis Dinio - Listen App Update 4/30

 Here are the prototype images for my app. My next step is to finally integrate these images onto a phone template and then add them to the video.

Here is one storyboard of the video:

Here is some of the script:

Monday, April 26, 2021

Victoria Jeon Progress 4/26


Emily Xia- 4/26 Progress


made the weather icons and started on illustration!

Airbnb Intro


History with Deepfake_Example




Dream Notes Update


Team Vaccine Progress

 Below, I've begun designing my logos for the team filters. I chose a white 3d look to resemble healthcare, hospitals, and doctors since they contain so much white. I am considering changing this to shape like a vial. However, for the time being, this is the structure I am looking to arrange my content. At the bottom of the filter, I will put the text "which vaccine are you" to encourage others to use the filter. I also plan on animating the "Team". each letter will float and bounce on a loop. Hoping to complete this in after effects and then upload everything to Instagram for use by the end of the second to last class. 

From Animation to Reality

 From Animation to Reality - Research stage  

Concept- designing a 3D garment using CLO (or any other similar program), exporting and converting the pattern created by the program into a projector supported file (PDF,AI) and projecting it straight onto the chosen fabric. 

An ideal concept- to build a projector that can adjust the measurements according to the surface (using some kind of a built in distance sensor that reacts to the fabric/ table its laid on to).  

The idea of placing the projector at point B and calculating the distance to point A in order to reach the same measurement stated on the patterns is possible but take a lot of adjustments of the File’s size and the projector’s placing + its features. 

 In this picture we can see the alignment of a specific projector to create the perfect distance for correct measurements. 
For example, a throw ratio of 2.0 means that if your lens is 2m away from your cutting table, the width of the projected area will be 1m. If you have a smaller throw ratio of 0.5, your lens only needs to be 0.5m away from the cutting table for the width of your projected area to be 1m. 
Not everyone has the space to keep their projectors at certain ratio and it would have been cool to have it automatically adjusted on its on according to the surface in this case. 

What I’ve learned so far is that there are many factors to consider when setting up the projector.
* assigning cutting space.
* size of cutting surface.
* room’s lighting.
* throw ratio.
* budget.
* angle.
* compatible device.
Advantages of this method 

Cost- saving on fabric (muslin or any other fabric used to create fit and eventually the pattern pieces). 
Saving on pattern paper, tape and ink as well. 

Storage- no need to worry about storing all your paper patterns, or worse, losing them and having to print/buy them again. It can all be safely organized on the computer/hard drive.  

Time saving- I cannot emphasize this enough. It saves so much time!! For example, the garment I am 
working in now took close to 3 weeks of work just to make the pattern and fit. I made the same design 
using CLO in 2 hours and I’m just learning the program.  It an make this process so much faster. It also 
allows to skip printing, taping and pining stage which can take a few hours and be less accurate. 

Pattern making - makes it so much easier to predict and place everything right. 

Tracing the pattern – using fabric pens to draw on the pattern pieces, this makes it a lot easier to copy a design. 

Reduce waste- I can’t stress this enough! The amount of waste created when making a pattern is unbelievable and this process can eliminate a lot of it.  
Overall, my work for the next week is to figure out the best distance from my working surface to place the projector.  Also, create some designs on CLO to play around with and find the perfect file size to reach the best accuracy of measurements  (1”-1”). 

 From Animation to Reality - Progress stage  

In the video I posted here is the design I am going to work on for this project. I was able to export the 2D pattern to pdf with all the measurements on it, according to the model I was working on in CLO.

This is the design. The fabrics I am using for it are denim for the skirt, organza for the ruffles and maybe fleece/light fur for the top.

These are the patters with and with out the measurements. Normally the patters are cut from paper so there is no need to have the measurements, but in this case it will help me measure it while projected onto the fabric to make sure it is placed correctly.  

The pattern without the measurements. 

The pattern with the measurements 

My next step will be setting up the projector I got and start adjusting everything in order to cut the fabric and start sewing the garment. 

chynna (progress) - apr. 26

currently working on unity and creating my rooms for the museum

Samantha Alexis Dinio: Listen App Update

 Much like the app Shazam, my app Listen, will be an audio fingerprinting library app where you can record random sounds with your smartphone's microphone and the app will translate what it records into a visual.

Here are some mockups of the sounds that I particularly liked.

Kristy 4/26 Update

For my update, I created the dashboard section. I've also included a calendar. Right now, I'm in the process of creating the monthly mood section as seen in the screenshot. 

Samantha Olinsky Progress

 For this week, I focused on revising my concept for the project based on feedback from last week. I still wanted to keep the nod to the origin of phones, while now incorporating the web too. 

I decided to create an image of a very early cell phone out of the blocks most commonly used in MIT's App Inventor.

The guide I will be using, color wise, is below.

This is what I have so far, in terms of re-creating the image out of the blocks.

I still have to finish the layout of the blocks, as well as refining the positioning.

Then, I will be presenting the image, in the form of the many blocks, on a static website, with HTML and CSS.

Din Update


Semiquin Race (Strava Project) 4/26

What I've done this past week:
- Finished storyboarding
- Sourced videos
- Wrote the script
- Sourced music

Yet to be done:

- Get voice over from people

- Edit the video

- Make the app prototype (the portions that are gonna be shown in the video)

- Refine the Strava drawing

- Semiquin Race branding

- Am I targeting this video to the right audience?

Michelle Kim - 4/26 Progress

I've started to translate everything into After Effects and so far put in notes for every cardinal direction. Next I will have to clean up the layer that shows the tuning scale– either increasing the opacity or placing it somewhere else on the screen for more clarity on what note is being played. I will also be putting in the rest of the notes in between each direction.

Brooke Leitner 4/26 Progress

The first screenshot is the CSS portion of my document. You can see the positioning of the elements and appearance-related code through the use of classes, IDs, and tags.

The second screenshot is the HTML portion in the body of the document. There are lots of comments here to help me better understand what I am looking at so I don't mess up new code or already working code. 

The third screenshot is some of the Java Script. I know the least about Java Script so I won't try to explain it, but with the help of friends who are guiding me and helping me code this, I understand what it is doing. 

I had a few friends test out the experience and their feedback was to add an onboarding screen for more clarification on what this experience actually is, and to possibly shorten the amount of time from 1 minute to 30 seconds because it was sort of a long time to wait around. 

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Airbnb Update

 This week I started putting pieces into After Effects. I have need some help overall and with transitions. 

I also want to figure out what information I will need to include in this video and what to keep out and deliver as a separate asset in this brand extension package. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

Kristy Lin 4/19 Updates

I remade my survey part and also prototyped what I had so far. Still need to work on the dashboard and the other screens. 

I also added a sketch / planned out my idea of what the end of the month data would look like to users. 


Navya Jhunjhunwala Progress


            This is my take on these paintings, which I will present using animation.

The Last Burger

Marilyn whirlpool

Voice Over and Music

Emily Xia - 4/19 Progress

 ForecastFit (4/19)

For this week, I have finalized the wireframes and started on the UI design. I also made a logo!  I am not a logo person so if any of you have suggestions or critiques, please let me know! Currently working on illustrations and weather icons that I want to add to the interface. 

Digital Playground Process No.02

This week, I worked on other potential games that could be used with the Minecraft-inspired boxes, This first one uses the idea of flattening the cubes to create a board-game-esque interaction. 

This is what I found that could not work,

I also attempted to make the idea in real life,

3 D Models, Midterm Crit!