Monday, April 26, 2021

Brooke Leitner 4/26 Progress

The first screenshot is the CSS portion of my document. You can see the positioning of the elements and appearance-related code through the use of classes, IDs, and tags.

The second screenshot is the HTML portion in the body of the document. There are lots of comments here to help me better understand what I am looking at so I don't mess up new code or already working code. 

The third screenshot is some of the Java Script. I know the least about Java Script so I won't try to explain it, but with the help of friends who are guiding me and helping me code this, I understand what it is doing. 

I had a few friends test out the experience and their feedback was to add an onboarding screen for more clarification on what this experience actually is, and to possibly shorten the amount of time from 1 minute to 30 seconds because it was sort of a long time to wait around. 

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