Sunday, April 11, 2021

Samantha Alexis Dinio: Listen - Sound to Image App Progress

In the past two weeks, I've come up with a name for my app, "Listen," a rough logo, and I've begun recording a bunch of sounds. Here are some of the recordings I've captured. At first, I picked up a lot of static which made hearing the distinct sound very difficult, but I cleaned them up a little and compared to the raw files I think they are so much better. 

I looked at the soundwaves for one of the sounds and played around with colors I associated with the sound and then turned it into a radial depiction. I like how it came out and I think this is the kind of image I'd like the app to generate.

When I created the logo, I simply created shapes that looked similar to soundwaves and overlapped them. When I started playing around with colors I realized they looked like mountains which circled back to the idea of relating sound to image. 

I'm currently working on app mockups and figuring out the order of the "mini-documentary" I'll make for Listen.

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