Monday, May 17, 2021

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Navya Jhunjhunwala 
Final Project

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Book of the Law - Jennifer Paredes



Monday, May 10, 2021

Sammi Olinsky - Final Project

Here is the link to my project published live online. 

The technology I chose to break is something called visual code or visual programming. In order to understand what visual programming is, you first need to understand basic programming.
There are many different kinds of programming, in several programming languages. Just like if I wrote a book in Japanese, someone who only understood French wouldn’t be able to read it, in programming, each language is unique and has it own structure and syntax. (And there’s no google translate for code either!)
The thing about all these programming languages are that they are TEXT BASED. That means that a program created in one of these languages is just a bunch of letters and numbers and symbols.
Visual Programming Languages are different from Text Based in that they are comprised of visual "blocks" of code that a user can snap together to form what acts as lines of code, like puzzle pieces.
The specific visual programming language I chose to use is called MIT App Inventor.
Below is an example of some blocks from MIT App Inventor.
When pieced together, they look like the image below. Im functionality, these blocks perform as follows: When the "Button1" is clicked, it's going to do something. What exactly? It is going to set the text of "Label1" to "Hi."
However they can get complicated very fast, as shown above.

So now that we have a basic understanding of Visual Programming Language, How do we "break" it?
What is the project going to be?
I was inspired by the design concept that 1 + 1 = 3 , which basically is conveying that you can put two things together and make something more than just the combination of their parts.
Specifically, I wanted to make something purely visual out of the typically functional blocks.
For example, this image of Cinderella is a mosaic of still images of scenes from the movie.

In terms of what I wanted to make an image of, I was inspired by the program, MIT App Inventor, which as the name suggests, is used to create mobile apps. I thought a lot about smartphones, in particular android phones (because MIT App Inventor only works for Androids). When thinking about the limitations of technology, and phones, I kept thinking about the origin of cell phones.
When thinking about the history of cell phones, I came across images of the earliest cell phones. They were big and clunky and blocky.
I loved the idea of using the visual pieces of code aka blocks, to visually create something very "blocky."
I started by making a "guide image" out of the colors of certain blocks, as well as gathering the blocks I was going to use.

The I got to work.
In total, I used 239 blocks to create this image.
Lastly, I wanted to translate the photoshop to live on a website.
I liked the idea that what started as visual blocks of representation of code, became purely visual and non-functional, and then back to code online.
The website is live at the following link:

Emily Xia - ForecastFit Final Prototype


Victoria Jeon Final Mockup


"I Got Vaccinated" Instagram Filter Campaign

 Presentation Link:

(Presentation is shared with you professor!)

Visit and follow my Instagram: @itsnicoleruffino , or look up "I Got Vaccinated" in the filter search. 


Kiana Hong - Final Mockup 

 Navya Jhunjhunwala - work in progress

( I have videos but can't upload them so here are some screenshots!)

Brooke Leitner FINAL PROJECT!

My project is done! Yay! Here is the final link:

Leap Motion_New Opportunities


Yuliya_Learning with Deepfake (Finished)


Kristy Lin - Final


From Animation to Reality- Final

 Final presentation- click here

Michelle Kim - Sono Compass Final Video

 Access here

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Airbnb is finished and ready to present!

My video is finished and ready to present on the 10th - file is too large to attach so I put it in a Google Drive along with all of my research and supporting documents

Access here

Monday, May 3, 2021

progress 5/3


-You are ranked based off of who swipes right on you and how popular that person is

-You get favorable spots when you are picky

-Possible that paying gives you better matches

-Desirability score inspired by how chess players are ranked

-Website that helps you to find your attractiveness score 

- Similar ai is supposed to be used by Tinder and Tiktok

70% of college students never choose to meet their matches

45% are using the app exclusively for validation purposes

35% report liking every single profile

More men than women use tinder

Women receive more likes

Men will match every 100-200 likes

Most downloaded dating app

10-billion dollar brand

Case Study Video:

Strava Project/Semiquin Challenge—Progress 5/3

Proposal video—Voiceover completed, started the video composition.

The "app"—Because I am not creating a new app, but using Strava's, I screen recorded the flow that someone will go through if they were to join the Semiquin Challenge. I am going to replace some elements that are shown on the app with Semiquin Challenge's information.

The Strava drawing—I am in the process of refining the drawing. I also got Strava's free trial, so I can use the "free-hand draw route" feature. I am thinking to only create the routes in a certain area, for sample to show in the videos, not the whole country.

Emily Xia 5/3 Progress


Updated Weather Icons to match illustrations

Current UI Progress

Initial Prototype Video

Yuliya Kosheeva _ Progress 5/3 _ Deep Fake Case study video + App


Banners on the app promoting a new section of courses named "Learning is Timeless", 
featuring  people like Abraham Lincoln, Albert Einstein, Vincent van Gogh

Redesigned app with the new section. Showing how the course will look like on the platform.

Draft one of the case study video.

Michelle Kim - 5/3 Progress

I've got the majority of the video finished in After Effects–  here are some stills of the final video explaining the concept as well as a brief simulation of how the app is used outside. All that's left is to design a logo for the app, and I'm debating whether the video needs a voiceover or additional text.

Brooke Leitner 5/3 Progress


Hi! I am not feeling well so I probably will not be in class tonight, but here is the most visual progress I have made. 

This is my onboarding screen for my "camera without control" idea called Sine. I think it looks quite good and helps to get the idea across better. 

Other than this, I have just been coding, getting help from friends and W3 Schools, and trying to survive while balancing this large on taking and my other classes. Things are coming along, and I am looking forward to finishing it up soon. 

Miranda - Airbnb Progress

 I created a draft of my video and tried to export it but it didn't export correctly. In the first few parts, the background is supposed to be white but it came out as black - same for the very end scene with just the logo - supposed to be white behind the text. 

The video was too large of a file to attach so I can play it in class

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Alyssa James progress 5/2

 Script for case study video

Open with art is the weapon quote or some sort of artist quote

Procreate is a digital painting app that artists use to draw in all different mediums. As a creative, sometimes one form of art is just not enough. Why should our art be divided? Why not let them live as one?

Introducing expression. 

An app extension on procreate that allows artists to insert their writing onto their canvas to inspire new art.

How does it work?

Expression's database houses thousands of adjectives and verbs that describe the tone of the piece of writing.

It groups describing words into cateorgies such as happy, sad, angry and so on.

Expression will scan your writing and analyze the tone of your work through the adjectives you chose.

After the scan is complete, expression will generate a color palette to match the theme of your writing.

This custom color palette is given to the artist to inspire them to create artwork that can connect to their writing.

The artist can then have their new art and writing live on one canvas in harmony. 

express yourself in any form.


Sad word bank:

Happy word bank:


3 D Models, Midterm Crit!