Monday, April 12, 2021

Book of the Law Translation & Script

 Book of the Law Script

Nuit the Egyptian goddess of the night sky, voices this chapter. 

This book is a revelation. 

Each number has a specific identity with unique qualities. This same idea is reflected throughout the Kabbalah and Thelema. Aiwass, the minister of Horus the Child, speaking through the voice of Nuit, asks for Aleister Crowley’s help to reveal and unveil him to humankind.


The star is a person’s true, perfect and immortal self in accordance with the Will, an individual within the body Nuit. This star within us is immortal, the true self lives on eternally, while the body, mind and personality pass away after death. Worship the Star, the True Will, the Absolute Self. Realize the star as the true self. Those who follow will be few, those who rule shall guide the masses in accordance with the Will. The gods of this new Aeon shall look down upon the gods and prophets of the old aeons.

Nuit wishes us to be happy and she desires that our lives be fulfilling. She is the starry sky, bending in an arch to kiss her lover, the earth, Hadit, a single point of experience. Aleister Crowley and his wife, the Scarlet woman shall bring us this happiness, this glory. As they mirror Nuit and Hadit, female and male, moon and sun, stoopin starlight and secret flame. There is no god above them. For Nuit is everything but nothing, nothing but our everything. She shall punish those who do not understand “love under will.” But bless those who do.

I am Nuit, and my word is six and fifty.

Divide, add, multiply, and understand.

6 / 50 = 0.12

Zero is Nuit because she is everything and nothing. The decimal is Hadit, the point within the circle. One is whole, Two is divided “for the chance of union.” A formula for reality in which all is nothing, reflecting upon itself as nothing, realizing its something, then reconnecting with itself to become nothing.


Which becomes 5+6=11; the magickal number of ritual.


The creation of something new, the magickal child or Horus.

Nuit is the nighttime sky covering all things, and all things contained within her. She is gentle as she stands upon the earth and does no harm. As she offers pure ecstasy and joy. 

Nuit does not exist. The All does not exist. The All is Nothing. And Nothing is infinite. Nuit was divided so she could come back to us in love. There can be no love without division and duality. For dividing for the sake of reunion, is the meaning of life. Although we might feel pain in a world with duality, there is no need for fear. For it is not separation, it is the chance for union. And when duality comes back together, it is dissolution – oblivion, nothing at all.

Nuit will release you from all suffering by virtue of following the Will. Reveal the ordeals, the rituals and the Law of the new religion. Reveal the obstacles on the paths of the tree of life, for the Law will be revealed because it is meant for everyone. Those of the new religion must overcome the barriers to realizing their True Will along the initiator path of the Tree of Life. To be a Thelemite in correspondence to the Tree of Life, you must master your own soul, understand the Law, contact your Holy Guardian Angel and live according to the Will rather than your own ego.

In the new Aeon of Horus, there are to be no restrictions or sins as long as the individual listens to their true Will. You have no right, except to live in accordance with the Will. Only “love” things in accordance with your True Will. Find connection within. If you live in accordance to your Will, then you will live – not in opposition to the universe – but rather with it. None shall say nay because you are living the life that you should be – and the universe will reward you. Live with the Will because it is perfect for you as an individual. Not because it will grant you anything or give you the results you want.

Horus the Child has taken his seat in the East where the sun rises, at the Equinox of the Gods, the end of the old Aeon. If we follow our Will in this new Aeon, we will be “innocent” in our actions – divorced from the stigmas of the past or the lust for result. Join this rich ideology filled with passion, sex, poetry and ritual. Perform these actions to get closer to the divine, “make your self- indulgence your religion.” If humankind accepts the Will, the world will be healed of discontent and disagreement as each star will follow their perfect path as Thelema is furiously individualistic. 

Loosen your ties to simple attachments and find the vast richness of universal union. For Nuit loves us. Her religion is not self-denial of worldly pleasures, but the richness of all pleasures both spiritual and mundane.

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